Write to XML Stream (Simple)
This example shows you how to create an XML file in Java using the SimpleXmlWriter class.
The demo code creates some test data in memory and creates a new XML file using this data. However, other input sources like CSV, Excel, etc may also be used.
This example can easily be modified to show how to read an XML file.
Java Code Listing
- package com.northconcepts.datapipeline.examples.cookbook;
- import java.io.FileWriter;
- import com.northconcepts.datapipeline.core.Record;
- import com.northconcepts.datapipeline.core.RecordList;
- import com.northconcepts.datapipeline.job.Job;
- import com.northconcepts.datapipeline.memory.MemoryReader;
- import com.northconcepts.datapipeline.xml.SimpleXmlWriter;
- public class WriteToXmlStream {
- /* Produces the following XML (line breaks added for clarity)
John Wayne Marion Robert Morrison male Winterset 156.35 Spiderman Peter Parker male New York -0.96 - */
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
- Record record1 = new Record();
- record1.getField("stageName", true).setValue("John Wayne");
- record1.getField("realName", true).setValue("Marion Robert Morrison");
- record1.getField("gender", true).setValue("male");
- record1.getField("city", true).setValue("Winterset");
- record1.getField("balance", true).setValue(156.35);
- Record record2 = new Record();
- record2.getField("stageName", true).setValue("Spiderman");
- record2.getField("realName", true).setValue("Peter Parker");
- record2.getField("gender", true).setValue("male");
- record2.getField("city", true).setValue("New York");
- record2.getField("balance", true).setValue(-0.96);
- MemoryReader reader = new MemoryReader(new RecordList(record1, record2));
- SimpleXmlWriter writer = new SimpleXmlWriter(new FileWriter("example/data/output/credit-balance-05.xml"));
- Job.run(reader, writer);
- }
- }
Code Walkthrough
- Two Record objects are created in memory with the fields
set to some test values. - A RecordList is created with these Record objects and a MemoryReader is created to read this RecordList..
- A SimpleXmlWriter is created using the file path of the output XML
. - Data is transferred from memory to the output XML file via JobTemplate.DEFAULT.transfer method.
A SimpleXmlWriter is an output writer that can be used to write
to an XML stream. It is a sub-class of TextWriter.html and overrides the
open and
close among other methods. It encapsulates all the details of writing
data to an XML file, so the user need not write this code.
XML files may also be created programmatically (refer write to an XML file programmatically)
or using freemarker templates (refer write to an XML file using freemarker templates).
These approaches should be used when one needs more control over the XML creation process.
Output XML file
- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <records>
- <record>
- <field name="stageName">John Wayne</field>
- <field name="realName">Marion Robert Morrison</field>
- <field name="gender">male</field>
- <field name="city">Winterset</field>
- <field name="balance">156.35</field>
- </record>
- <record>
- <field name="stageName">Spiderman</field>
- <field name="realName">Peter Parker</field>
- <field name="gender">male</field>
- <field name="city">New York</field>
- <field name="balance">-0.96</field>
- </record>
- </records>