Directly Access Job Properties
As you've already seen, jobs allow you to retrieve information on their state at any time — even when they're not running.
Here's the list of data each job directly exposes via its getter methods.
Method | Description |
getId() | The unique (sequential) ID of this job (within this JVM/classloader). |
getUuid() | The universally unique identifier (UUID) for this job. |
getName() | The name assigned to this job or its default name if one was not assigned. |
getCreatedOn() | The time this job instance was created. |
getStartedOn() | The time this job instance started running |
getCancelledOn() | The time this job instance was cancelled. |
isCancelled() | Indicates if this job was cancelled |
getPausedOn() | The time this job was paused or null if this job is not currently paused |
isPaused() | Indicates if this job is currently paused |
getFinishedOn() | The time this job finished running |
isFinished() | Indicates if this job has finished running |
getException() | The last exception thrown while running |
isFailed() | Indicates if this job has completed unsuccessfully. |
getRunThread() | The thread currently executing this job or null if the job is not running. |
isRunning() | Indicates if this job is currently running |
getRunningTime() | Time in milliseconds this job was (or has been) running for or zero (0) if it hasn't yet started running. |
getRunningTimeAsString() | The time this job was (or has been) running for as a human readable string or null if it hasn't yet started running. |
getRecordsTransferred() | The number of records sent from the supplied reader to the supplied writer. |
getLastRecord() | The most recent record seen by this job while it is running or null . |
getReader() | The reader supplied to this job. |
getWriter() | The writer supplied to this job. |
getReaders() | The read pipeline — the chain of readers records pass through, starting with the root instance and ending with the reader supplied to this job. |
getWriters() | The write pipeline — the chain of writers records pass through, starting with the writer supplied to this job and ending with the root instance. |