DataPipeline 9.1 Released

Welcome to the 9.1 release of DataPipeline.

This is a quick bugfix release to address a couple issues.

  1. BUGFIX: getName() will now throw an exception after testing 100,000 variants to create a unique name for an unnamed field (instead of running for a very long time).
  2. BUGFIX: the expression language now allows single characters to be passed as arguments to methods where String and CharSequence arguments are expected.
  3. The AWS/S3 dependencies have been removed from both Parquet and Orc libraries to reduce build time and memory usage. Use the new parquet-s3 and orc-s3 dependencies if S3 features are needed.

About The DataPipeline Team

We make Data Pipeline — a lightweight ETL framework for Java. Use it to filter, transform, and aggregate data on-the-fly in your web, mobile, and desktop apps. Learn more about it at

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